
Global standards are critical, but it’s their implementation and usage that makes them valuable. DDEX occasionally conducts regular webinars and implementation seminars to help companies integrate the relevant standards to their businesses, and the current schedule can be found here. Below are recordings of the most recent webinars. An extensive set of other informative videos are our YouTube channel. There are also more written materials and samples for the various standards on the DDEX knowledge base which will also assist you in your implementations. If you need additional help, contact us at

Below are some recordings from past webinars, and there are additional videos on DDEX available on our YouTube channel here. There is more written material and samples for the various standards on the DDEX knowledge base which will also assist you in your implementations. If you need additional help, contact us at

DDEX standards are free to anyone to use – just complete the Implementation Licence.

Preparing your data for a DDEX implementation

Over the years, many implementers have indicated to DDEX that when considering the implementation of one of DDEX’s standard, quite a significant amount of work was required in organising or re-organising the relevant data. During this webinar examples of the types of data organisation issues faced by DDEX implementers will be explained with information about how those issues were overcome to enable a successful implementation of one of the DDEX standards.

Communicating immersive audio using the Electronic Release Notification Message Suite (ERN), version 4.3

At the beginning of quarter three DDEX will be publishing ERN 4.3. This webinar will give details about the differences between ERN 4.3 and previous versions and some explanation of the reasons behind the changes. In particular, ERN 4.3 will for the first time enable the communication of data about immersive audio releases, an explanation of which will form a key part of this webinar.

Communicating data about classical music in DDEX standards

The hierarchical nature of classical music, often several movements making one work or several works with several movements being grouped together such as Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, has some unique metadata requirements. Recently DDEX has been carrying out work in this area to make communication of data about classical works especially music formed comprising multiple movements more precise. The webinar will explain the particular metadata challenges relating to classical music and how these are managed in the DDEX standards.

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