
Regular updates on DDEX are provided below along with a link to all past press releases. Information is also available about media enquiries, access to official DDEX logos and how to contact the DDEX Secretariat.


December 2, 2022
DDEX Publishes ERN 4.3 Update and Catalogue Transfer Standard 1.0

September 23, 2022
DDEX Whitepaper: Music in Podcasts

“DDEX is a standard-setting organisation focusing on the data exchange requirements of the music industry. As such DDEX has started to consider the data and communication requirements to support the processes of obtaining licences for music used in podcasts and the subsequent reporting of the use of such music. While DDEX has a number of companies amongst its membership that are part of the podcast value chain, it recognises that the podcasts industry is much bigger than just music. Therefore, DDEX needs to take into consideration the requirements of the entire podcast value chain in order to validate any data and communication requirements when defining how to support the processes associated with the use of music in podcasts. This white paper documents possible data and communication processes for the various business transactions associated with the use of music in podcasts. The content of this white paper has been discussed both within DDEX as well as with companies that are operating in the podcast value chain. As a consequence of this process, DDEX is confident that this white paper accurately describes the data and communication requirements of the podcast community1 as well as those from the music industry.”

Read the whitepaper in full: here

June 13, 2022
DDEX’s THE BIG Summit 2022 Conference and Plenary Meeting to Focus on Rolling Out MEAD Data Implementation. Early Test of MEAD at Amazon Music and Universal Music Group Leads to an Increase in Active and Passive Streaming Behavior

February 7, 2022
DDEX & ISNI Announce Signing of Liaison Agreement


All previous press releases are available here.


Media Enquiries

Laurie Jakobsen
Jaybird Communications
+ 1 917 697 2274



Official Logos

Use our logos to promote your DDEX membership on your website, or to illustrate press coverage of DDEX-related events.

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Secretariat contact

Visit our Secretariat page for bios. Be sure to reach out with any questions about DDEX and ways you can become a member of DDEX and its exclusive community by emailing

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