Plenary Meetings

DDEX holds Plenary Meetings usually twice a year. The meetings take place over three days and are attended by representatives of Charter and Full Members and some Liaison Organisation representatives. Associate Members can attend the Plenary Meetings under certain circumstances on payment of an additional fee but in any case all Associate Members receive the detailed report of the meetings that is prepared for all Charter and Full Members.

Information about the dates and venues of DDEX Plenary Meetings can be found on the Events tab. These are however, DDEX member only events. The application form to become a member of DDEX is available here.

The Plenary Meetings review the recent activities of all the Working Groups to allow representatives not directly involved in each Working Group, a full understanding of the complete span of DDEX technical work. These briefings also allow common issues or problems to be identified, so that common solutions can be applied across all the DDEX standards where appropriate. The attendees at the Plenary Meetings also breakout for at least half the time into their respective Working Groups to move forward the current aspects of each groups’ technical work. The Plenary Meetings conclude with reports back from the Working Group break-out sessions. Time is also set aside for technical work to be undertaken on issues that affect more than one of the DDEX standards frequently focusing on areas where DDEX is seeking to identify common approaches to common issues across all the standards.

During the week of a Plenary Meeting, there will usually be an “open” meeting which is an opportunity for non-members to receive detailed briefings about DDEX and its standards. If you wish to be notified about such future events, please join our mailing list below.

Once a year, usually during the week of the spring Plenary Meeting, DDEX also hosts The BIG Summit. The BIG Summit is a non-technical event which discusses the challenges and explores solutions to the sharing and communication of information among music providers and music users to help coordinate efforts, cut costs and achieve greater returns for everyone in the music business ecosystem.

The location of the Plenary and other meetings is at the moment rotated between Europe, the east coast of North America and the west coast of North America.

To gain some insight into the DDEX Plenary Meeting atmosphere, Susan Butler, Executive Editor of Music Confidential, wrote a report about her experiences at the 38th Plenary Meeting in California. This report can be read here.

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